Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Mark Carey writes

Housekeeping. Part of human life is housekeeping. I have a brother and two sisters – in our family home we had our roles and responsibilities- things we did that helped us all live well together. Things that meant the guest was always welcome and that the responsibility to do practical things didn't fall on one person. Things that meant our living environment served a way of life that honoured God’s call to serve him, sharing faith with others. I say this now with the benefit of hindsight because as a teenager I hated the housekeeping things! Looking back – I learned some disciplines that have served me well in adult life and taught me much about living as a disciple. Just look at the amount of times the disciples ended up doing housekeeping tasks! I’m reminded of Jesus’s words ‘the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve….”

What has this got to do with anything? Well – I guess I want to remind us that this is the way we seek to live across this Network. We are a number of different households, and one household – together we get to be able to ensure that our life, together, is safe, healthy, welcoming and faith sharing whichever part of the network we identify with.

We take on the disciplines of this – serving each other but as family, household. You will see below some information about giving – households can’t run well without financial resources. We have continued to experience God’s financial care and provision through the generosity of many of you. But not all are contributing on this level – please think and pray on this – even a little helps to serve our shared mission.

Soon you will be hearing about annual meetings and roles that help our shared life together. Please consider your part in this and whether you can offer support. You might be able to serve as one of our Trustees on our church councils, or in some other capacity. I’m currently looking for someone to take on a secretarial role for one of our church councils – involving minute-taking and helping with communication. Can you help?


Chaz Walker has accepted my invitation to take a lead role in championing prayer – the way God has been working in his life points towards serving in this way alongside his role with St Andrew’s, Ulrome with Margaret.

Darius Traves has been with us training for ordination and his training will continue as Assistant Curate licensed to this network and also serving during the week as one of the chaplains to the University of York, St John. He will be especially involved at St Mark’s, Westhill – not as Vicar but rather serving as a member of clergy to help the congregation grow and develop.

Rev. Mark Carey. Christ Church Bridlington Network.


Thank you for your generosity. Your giving really does make a difference, it funds everything that we do, from supporting Re-store & our work in the community to children & families work & keeping the buildings warm & welcoming.

Important notice for all –

Weekly giving envelopes – although we are not supplying new dated envelopes, we do have previous years envelopes spare, if you still wish to use this means of giving. Please contact Tracey Matravers or Keith Gibbons (email:

Gift Aid - If any of your details have changed in the last 2 years, please could you complete a new Gift Aid Declaration Form (to comply with HMRC regulations). These are available at the back of church or from the finance office. If your tax status has changed & you no longer pay income tax, please let the finance office know, so we can amend our records.

Other ways of giving

· Standing Order – Forms are available at the back of church, from finance office or on the website.

· QR Code – Posted around church (scan & donate from your phone)

· Donate button on the website.

· Cash in collection plate/bucket

· Cheque: Please make payable to - Christ Church Bridlington PCC

· Soon to come….Contactless card payment point.

If you are eligible to Gift Aid your donation, that really does make a difference. For every £10 you give we can claim back £2.50 from the Government.

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Sad news to share.

After a long illness Michael Hart died peacefully on Saturday 19th March.

Michael has been a key leader in Christ Church for many years - a man of prayer, great integrity - his faith influenced many others.

There is no further information yet - please do not to call round or ring Polly for the time being so she and the family can have some space. Let us all hold Polly and the family in our prayers.

“Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.”

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Mark Carey writes

Be like Habakkuk 

There once was a man with a strange name - Habakkuk. Next to nothing is known about him - the book of the Bible bearing his name only reveals his interaction with God way back around 612 BC. His words, however, have great resonance for us right now. 

Because he asked ‘Why?’ Why did this powerful Babylonian empire seem to get away with terrible things even against God's own people? How could God allow such suffering? He protested at profound injustice - and he didn't much like the responses he received. Yet he held the strong belief that God would go about His sovereign work… that God would save. 

Near the end of the book he says the following 

"I heard and my heart pounded,

my lips quivered at the sound;

decay crept into my bones,

and my legs trembled.

Yet I will wait patiently for the day of calamity

to come on the nation invading us."

The message of Habakkuk is that God knows what He is doing - He can be trusted - even when great catastrophe is being visited upon innocents. Despite his whole body showed the symptoms of trauma, anxiety and fear Habakkuk could still say "Yet I will wait patiently..." - he focusses his attention on trusting his Lord because he knows God is…. a God who acts.

With our awareness of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the great threat to global security - let us wait upon God - for the day of calamity to come upon the invading nation. Let us repent of our complacency that has led the nations into such a terrible time and let's pray for our national leaders, international diplomacy, and the people of Ukraine as they fight and flee the aggressor.

Habakkuk goes on to say, "yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Saviour."

So, what do we do at this time?

Wait patiently and rejoice! 

This is simple, yet at the same time hard to do. But if Habakkuk could do it….. so can we!

Rev. Mark Carey. Christ Church Bridlington Network.

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Mark Carey writes

The way we love the Jesus Way across our network is best described through three things: daily encounter, defined belonging and purposeful service. We expect to encounter God every day of our lives, we have people and places of discipleship that help us live in the way of Jesus. We are purposeful in serving others like Jesus did.

I simply want to keep encouraging you to live in this way - we have loads of ways this is worked out across our fantastic network of churches and ministry areas, workplaces and other areas of life - the Jesus Way.

In an uncertain world of virus and war, the way we live the gospel is indeed Good News. As Bishop Graham Cray said to us last Sunday "Jesus is here in Bridlington and He isn't here for a rest!"

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Ukraine Appeal

We are partnering with Jacob’s Well (A Christian organisation based in Beverley) to send out a large van next week (Monday 14th March) to Moldova to help with feeding and clothing the Ukrainian Refugees.

Here are the details of how to support this appeal - We are looking for both donations of items and donations of money to cover the cost of the transport

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Mark Carey writes

The season of Lent has started. Across our network it is observed in different ways - as a time of self-discipline and repentance regarding our relationship with God. Maybe as a time to refresh intimacy with God. Perhaps as a way of preparing for being able to celebrate Easter wholeheartedly. There are practices associated with Lent that can be helpful - reading a particular book - you can pick one of those up from the network office.

Some people choose to fast during lent - a practice I recommend- you may find fasting a little mysterious so this link may help

During Lent I am going to be focussing on what God is teaching me about living the Jesus way of life through Daily Encounter, Defined Belonging and Purposeful Service.

I’d like to grow more in these ways and will use the following questions to help me explore this further.

Daily Encounter - Who is my god?

Defined Belonging - Where are my people?

Purposeful Service - What is my calling?

There are many ways to draw the best out of Lent including our Household Habits and the Week of Pilgrimage and Prayer.

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Mark Carey writes

Sometimes I find it hard to express things - I was puzzling over what I could say this week that somehow illuminates what is going on amongst us at the moment what God is doing and saying? I decided I had to take my time and, as I was beginning to wake up one morning, I found myself thinking about worship, as I went downstairs my eyes settled on a book about Jesus and I knew that rather than trying to explain things I just needed to remind you all that it's all about Jesus. Even as tanks roll into the Ukraine, as the cost of living rises, as the least, last and the lost become even more so - it's all about Jesus. We worship Jesus - He is Lord. Someone once said that "true worship exposes spiritual complacency in a world of suffering and injustice" - this chimes with something a number of people noted as we worshipped and prayed on Wednesday evening - we must avoid complacency, and worship enables us to do this - eyes fixed on Jesus. What does this look like in our lives? Worship is nothing less than offering our whole world back to God - it is such an important thing to keep being aware of:  Jesus - his way, his centrality. Let's offer our whole world back to God.

Finally, here is another thing about worship that is worth remembering: "you'll be bored to tears in heaven, if you are not ecstatic about God now!"  (Keith Green)


If you want help to pray for the situation there are some really helpful prayers including the following from 24-7 Prayer:


A Prayer for the Crisis in Ukraine

by Pete Greig

Father God, King of all nations, we cry out to you now for the people of Ukraine. We ask you to rescue those who are vulnerable from the hands of their enemies that they may live without fear before you all their days [Luke 1:74-75].


Kyrie eleison - Lord have mercy.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, grant us peace.


Lord of lords and Prince of peace, our politicians are predicting the biggest war in Europe since 1945, and we simply cry out to you urgently to write another story in our time. Thwart the dark machinations of evil men. Give wisdom beyond human wisdom to peacemakers seeking an equitable and less violent way. May politicians exercise the wisdom from above, which is peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, and full of mercy [James 3:17].


Kyrie eleison - Lord have mercy.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, grant us peace.


Holy Spirit, we pray for the church in Ukraine, a nation in which 70% of the population call themselves Christian. Give our many brothers and sisters in that nation courage in this crisis that they may proclaim the good news of your kingdom, bind up broken hearts, and bring comfort to all who mourn. [Isaiah 61:1-2].


Kyrie eleison - Lord have mercy.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, grant us peace.


You Lord, make wars cease to the end of the earth; you break bows, shatter spears, and burn shields with fire [Psalm 46:9]. And so we ask you now to save the lives of many people in Ukraine. Make a peace that is strong and not weak. De-escalate this crisis. We hear of wars and rumours of wars (Matt. 24:6],

but you Lord are our rock, our fortress and our deliverer. Our hope is in you. And so we address the nations now. In the name of Jesus we say: “Be still and know God! He is exalted among the nations; he shall be exalted in the earth [Psalm 46:10].


Kyrie eleison - Lord have mercy.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, grant us peace. Amen

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Mark Carey writes

I am really appreciating the worship and prayer evenings we have held since the start of the year.  I'm a veteran of many prayer meetings and to tell the truth - I have fallen asleep in more than a few of them! The ones I find I have engaged with are those that come from the place of worship - the place of praise and intimacy with God.  

Praying is important - A.W.Tozer said, 

"I remind you that there are churches so completely out of the hands of God that if the Holy Spirit withdrew from them, they wouldn't find it out for many months"

We don't want to be a church of churches that is out of the hands of God.


This week one of the things we were encouraged to be is like the desert seeds that when the long-awaited rain comes, quickly burst into glorious life.  We are invited to be those who are prepared to burst into life at the first movement of the Holy Spirit, who are immediately responsive and have expectant hearts and minds.  We have been seeing evidence of God’s work and presence amongst us as we gather across the network.  I believe God is calling us to an increased responsiveness to him.  Personally, I have a sense of urgency about being 'near the front' in terms of expectation and responsiveness.  This doesn't mean we all have to start leaping around being loud and visible!  It probably does mean we should examine our responsiveness to God - are we open immediately to him when we gather to worship or take quiet time alone with Him?

John Wimber said,

"Much of our trouble in the church today relates directly to our lack of heavenly mindedness"

Let's choose to be heavenly minded.



Rev. Mark Carey.  Christ Church Bridlington Network.

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Show The Love

The Eco Church team invite you to join them to 'show the love' this February. We are getting behind a national campaign from the Climate Coalition (bit group of charities including Tearfund and Christian Aid) - sending green hearts to our MPs as a way to share with them what we love and want to protect about creation. What is God putting on your heart?

We’ve made up some envelopes ready (will be available at all our worship gatherings), or you can do your own - make and decorate a green heart, fill in the simple postcard sheet, and pop it in the post to your MP! Oli has made a short video to explain - You can read more about Climate Coalition and sending green hearts (including downloading the printable sheet if you would like to do it yourself) here: Tearfund have got some great resources for learning about, praying for and acting on climate change here: Eco Church is part of A Rocha UK:

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Mark Carey writes

There is a lot happening! I'm thrilled to see new windows going into St Mark's Westhill and the large trees that obscured the view of St Andrew's Ulrome coming down - maybe these things say something about the growing visibility of the good news of Jesus in our network locations? It's great to be amongst people who are praying and worshipping passionately in various contexts across the network. Watching people taking steps of faith at ReStore and Love Westhill or being lovingly cared for and served in the Cafe. The creativity of Refresh and Creative Space, the pastoral care that ranges from prophetic listening through chaplaincy, 12 steps and Womens weekly is so good. The routines and rhythms of the Key Centre and site teams are energising and encouraging. I'm aware of much, much more happening as we all seek to serve God's mission in our different day-to-day contexts.

There are lots of opportunities coming up - a teaching day on Saturday 19th February with Andy Hall. Continued prayer and worship evenings plus daytime Alpha and a family fun day on 5th March. We are gathering today at 11am to celebrate the life of Michael Green.

We are an active church of churches; we want to be known for our activity serving the health and well-being of our communities. However, it is best to be known for our relationship with Jesus. He's the reason we exist as worshipping communities - all our activity and service is meaningless unless it is inspired by Jesus and centred on a common cause - that Jesus would be known and worshipped as Lord. As Jesus himself says "I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing." Be encouraged and be challenged!

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Mark Carey writes

I am hopeful that we will be able to move further away from Covid restricted behaviours during the coming months. Our basic policy for the time being will continue to be focussed around the following areas across the network:

  • Lateral Flow Tests: Encourage everyone to take lateral flow tests regularly and especially if you are likely to amongst a larger group of people or mingling closely with others

  • Face coverings: Wear a mask when you are amongst others at close quarters and when singing. When seated in a service it is okay to remove your mask

  • Designated area: Retain the provision of an area in Christ Church for those most vulnerable

  • Space: Continue to provide ways to gather whilst also having space

  • Ventilation: Make sure the buildings and rooms we use across the network are well ventilated

I am very thankful that our teams, ministry leaders and volunteers are making sure they test regularly.

As we rebuild and develop with our backs to the worst of the pandemic could I encourage you to find opportunities to serve. We are aiming to grow our work amongst children - could you contribute to this? Maybe you have some administrative skills or want to serve in one of our existing volunteer teams - it would be great to hear from you. Perhaps you have a sense of something God is calling you to start - do follow through.

I heard someone say this recently: "much of what we had pre-Covid-19 we will never see again. We are not moving to the NEXT but the NEW. It is not a continuation of how things were, but the start of a whole new reality". I find the distinction between NEXT and NEW helpful - let's choose not to ask, "what is next?" but rather "what is new?" Maybe even - "what is the NEW thing God wants me to be involved in?"

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Mark Carey writes

Covid-19 what now?


As restrictions lift nationally the focus becomes even more on our individual and corporate responses.

In the New Testament letters there are times when attention is paid to how to live together - this is what I want us to bear in mind as the restrictions lift. We have lots happening across our network- small groups, services and gatherings of different types and sizes - how we behave continues to be vital. Covid-19 will, we hope, become an endemic virus a bit like the flu but we still have some way to go – currently I am reflecting on the advice to give for our network regarding the next phase of life together. I will communicate with you all during the coming week.

Let’s remember that we are to live in faith and not fear - don’t let fear of catching Covid stop you from doing what God is calling you to be involved in. I’m reminded of St Paul’s words in his letter to the Galatian church: “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Fear can become a yoke of slavery - Jesus is all about freedom!

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Mark Carey writes


One of the things I have done this week is meet up with the candidates for Confirmation. Each person has a story of coming to faith and encountering the God who rebuilds, restores and renews. Each one has people who have encouraged, inspired and prayed for them. In many ways they are an example of kingdom success - as a friend of mine once said “success is only success when there are successors”. Kingdom success? It is measured in making disciples and faithfulness to the commands of Jesus. It’s so different from what the world around us sees as success - for us, success is obedience to what the Father asks and a natural consequence of this is that we will grow as disciples and make disciples. Are you in a position where you can see this working out in your life? As you head to the end of 2021 are you seeing kingdom success - successors - people you are encouraging and praying for?

Staffing News

The Christ Church Cafe is a really encouraging aspect of our ministry and has got to the healthy stage, thanks to a fantastic team, of being able to financially sustain a part time management role. Suzanne Martin has been appointed and will begin to serve, heading up the cafe team from the new year. Please support Suzanne as she settles into the role.

Re-Store has continued to grow throughout the pandemic - it is at a new and challenging phase of development. We have increased the hours of Toni Miles as a faith step to respond to the opportunities and challenges. Please pray and also continue to support Re-Store in practical ways.


Thank you for giving financially to our Network of Churches - prayerful and planned giving really helps us - if you wish to know more about how to give please see our website or phone 01262 404100.


We continue to encourage Covid-19 awareness and care when we gather together. Please wear face coverings when you sing in worship and when you are close to others. We are keeping our buildings as ventilated as possible, keeping seating arrangements distanced where possible and encouraging continued use of hand sanitiser. In Christ Church there is a designated area for those who desire further protection. Please continue with kindness, understanding and patience for each other.

Covid-19 Update

Please note that following the government announcements this week some tightening of restrictions is necessary - the Church of England says the following: “Face coverings are currently mandatory on public transport and in a range of indoor venues including places of worship.”

This will be the case across our network - we can still sing wearing our masks and those leading worship and preaching can still take their masks off for such purposes.

Exemptions are still permitted.

Please continue to sanitise your hands and carefully respond in care and kindness to those around us.

Thanks for your ongoing patience. God continues to be good!

Mark Carey

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Christmas Gatherings at Christ Church



Thursday 16th December 7pm –  A Celebration of Music & Song

With East Coast Festival Chorus and Band


Sunday 19th December 9am – Holy Communion in the Key Centre & Zoom

Sunday 19th December 10.30am – Family Gathering

Sunday 19th December 6pm – Carols at Christ Church (also on YouTube)


Friday 24th December 4pm – Family Nativity

Friday 24th December 11.30pm – Midnight Communion


Saturday 25th December 10.30am – Christmas Day at Christ Church


Sunday 26th December 9am – Holy Communion in the Key Centre & Zoom

Sunday 26th December 6pm on YouTube – A Christmas Message




Sunday 2nd January 9am – Holy Communion in the Key Centre & Zoom

Sunday 2nd January 10.30am – Family Gathering

Sunday 2nd January 6pm – Evening Gathering         Facebook@CCBNonline

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Christmas Gatherings across our Network Churches


Sun 19th Dec at 10.30                     Carol Service in North Library



Thurs 16th Dec at 6pm                   Carols on The Green.

Sunday 19th Dec at 10.30am         St Mark’s Christingle

Thurs 23rd Dec at 4pm                   Love Westhill, Christingle 


Tues 21th Dec at 6.00 pm               Candlelit Carol Service



Sun 19th Dec at 11.00am                Christmas Communion with Carols

Christmas Day 10.30am                 Carols on Christmas Day

Sun 2nd Jan at 11.00am                   Service for New Year

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Mark Carey Writes

We continue to navigate our way through what appears to be a long final phase of the pandemic. The effects of a time like this are far ranging and take time to show themselves. 

The pandemic has forced people to take stock of their lives because life threatening events tend to cause human beings to reflect on their mortality, explore whether they are happy with their lives and consider making changes. Others have experienced elements of their lives exposed, existing circumstances have been made worse and they are seeking a way out. We may not all be making significant changes but all of us are subject to changes around us whether we like it or not.

I have been carrying around the words of Jesus in Luke 21:28 “Now when these things begin to take place, stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near”. Yes, change and decay is all around us but these things serve to remind us that there is a posture we need to take in our lives -‘stand up’ and ‘raise your heads’ - why? Because God is at work – he is doing his redeeming work and we get to join in!


COVID-19 Response

Our continued response across the network remains clear:

We recommend that everyone takes advantage of the opportunity to receive the vaccination and any boosters that are available.

We continue to encourage and maintain some key protective factors - hand sanitising, face coverings, social distancing and ventilation in our buildings.

In Christ Church we have a designated area as the highest safety area for those most at risk – please use this space thoughtfully.

We will continue to encourage sung worship wearing face coverings.

If you are exempt from face coverings it is really helpful for all if you come wearing one of the lanyards that indicate you are exempt. Also could the exempt make sure you are maintaining a social distance of 2m as much as possible.

During services and gatherings whilst you are sat down it is permissible to not wear a mask but when moving around and talking to others or praying for others we are wearing them.

We continue to have chairs spaced out where our buildings permit and windows open.

Let’s keep caring for each other!

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Mark Carey Writes

Rebuilding Momentum

I find that this time of year is an opportunity to reflect on the state of things – maybe because Christmas is just around the corner followed swiftly by New Year.

This time last year we were trying to work out what Christmas was going to be like. We entered a long period of ongoing restrictions and lockdown as Covid-19 rates of infection soared. Much of 2021 has been about a slow recovery from the effects of the restrictions - a period of time that has affected our movement and momentum.

As a church network we have returned to in-person gatherings for worship and decreased the amount we have been online. This has been in many ways exploratory and tentative – we had lost the momentum of regular times together physically, our habitual ways of connecting with other followers of Jesus have been changed, challenge or even broken. We’ve actually had very little time to get our momentum going – only restarting things as we entered September. I was talking to someone in the Hope Hub who talked about the way in which the things he was involved in, that kept him focused on having faith during his daily life, had just not worked very well through the last 18 months. We agreed that half the battle was recognising this and from there it is best to simply join in with something to get yourself re-connected again. I wonder if that has happened to many people?

My point is this: we are in the process of regaining momentum – forward movement – across a number of areas of life including our life as church together. I have had two thoughts in relation to this:

Nothing we are doing is as it will be – we’ve just got started again – getting back into the good habit of being physically around other Jesus people is not as easy as we expected. We’ve just made decisions to get something going again and keep adjusting and adapting as we go. Please be patient and give all that you can in encouragement, serving and giving as we build momentum again.

Nothing has changed about God’s faithfulness – the pandemic has not stopped the kingdom of God advancing – God continues to be good. He has continued to do his works of rebuilding, renewing and restoring through us. He has supplied our needs, kept us safe and been our good shepherd through this time and will continue to do so.

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Mark Carey writes:  

I’ve got a post-it in one of my bibles that I was using 20 years ago. It is amazing that it has stayed there all these years but maybe the reason it has stayed is that it is vital. What does the note say? “Nothing we do is as important as what God does in us”

Sometimes we overvalue doing and undervalue being - being with Jesus. When I pause with Jesus - place my attention upon him and not on my next task or my current problem - I get rescued from my own mistaken apprehension that I am in control or that I can be the saviour of others. I get caught up once more in the truth of Jesus’ words “apart from me you can do nothing”. Fruitfulness in life comes from relationship with Jesus.


Maybe you could put a post-it somewhere to remind you that what God does in you is vital for your spiritual, mental, physical well-being. That it is exactly what you need for your work life and your family life and your personal, intimate living. 


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