Mark Carey Writes
We continue to navigate our way through what appears to be a long final phase of the pandemic. The effects of a time like this are far ranging and take time to show themselves.
The pandemic has forced people to take stock of their lives because life threatening events tend to cause human beings to reflect on their mortality, explore whether they are happy with their lives and consider making changes. Others have experienced elements of their lives exposed, existing circumstances have been made worse and they are seeking a way out. We may not all be making significant changes but all of us are subject to changes around us whether we like it or not.
I have been carrying around the words of Jesus in Luke 21:28 “Now when these things begin to take place, stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near”. Yes, change and decay is all around us but these things serve to remind us that there is a posture we need to take in our lives -‘stand up’ and ‘raise your heads’ - why? Because God is at work – he is doing his redeeming work and we get to join in!
COVID-19 Response
Our continued response across the network remains clear:
We recommend that everyone takes advantage of the opportunity to receive the vaccination and any boosters that are available.
We continue to encourage and maintain some key protective factors - hand sanitising, face coverings, social distancing and ventilation in our buildings.
In Christ Church we have a designated area as the highest safety area for those most at risk – please use this space thoughtfully.
We will continue to encourage sung worship wearing face coverings.
If you are exempt from face coverings it is really helpful for all if you come wearing one of the lanyards that indicate you are exempt. Also could the exempt make sure you are maintaining a social distance of 2m as much as possible.
During services and gatherings whilst you are sat down it is permissible to not wear a mask but when moving around and talking to others or praying for others we are wearing them.
We continue to have chairs spaced out where our buildings permit and windows open.
Let’s keep caring for each other!