Mark Carey writes
I am really appreciating the worship and prayer evenings we have held since the start of the year. I'm a veteran of many prayer meetings and to tell the truth - I have fallen asleep in more than a few of them! The ones I find I have engaged with are those that come from the place of worship - the place of praise and intimacy with God.
Praying is important - A.W.Tozer said,
"I remind you that there are churches so completely out of the hands of God that if the Holy Spirit withdrew from them, they wouldn't find it out for many months"
We don't want to be a church of churches that is out of the hands of God.
This week one of the things we were encouraged to be is like the desert seeds that when the long-awaited rain comes, quickly burst into glorious life. We are invited to be those who are prepared to burst into life at the first movement of the Holy Spirit, who are immediately responsive and have expectant hearts and minds. We have been seeing evidence of God’s work and presence amongst us as we gather across the network. I believe God is calling us to an increased responsiveness to him. Personally, I have a sense of urgency about being 'near the front' in terms of expectation and responsiveness. This doesn't mean we all have to start leaping around being loud and visible! It probably does mean we should examine our responsiveness to God - are we open immediately to him when we gather to worship or take quiet time alone with Him?
John Wimber said,
"Much of our trouble in the church today relates directly to our lack of heavenly mindedness"
Let's choose to be heavenly minded.
Rev. Mark Carey. Christ Church Bridlington Network.