Mark Carey writes:  

I’ve got a post-it in one of my bibles that I was using 20 years ago. It is amazing that it has stayed there all these years but maybe the reason it has stayed is that it is vital. What does the note say? “Nothing we do is as important as what God does in us”

Sometimes we overvalue doing and undervalue being - being with Jesus. When I pause with Jesus - place my attention upon him and not on my next task or my current problem - I get rescued from my own mistaken apprehension that I am in control or that I can be the saviour of others. I get caught up once more in the truth of Jesus’ words “apart from me you can do nothing”. Fruitfulness in life comes from relationship with Jesus.


Maybe you could put a post-it somewhere to remind you that what God does in you is vital for your spiritual, mental, physical well-being. That it is exactly what you need for your work life and your family life and your personal, intimate living. 



Mark Carey Writes


Play Groups at Christ Church Bridlington