Mark Carey writes
One of the things I have done this week is meet up with the candidates for Confirmation. Each person has a story of coming to faith and encountering the God who rebuilds, restores and renews. Each one has people who have encouraged, inspired and prayed for them. In many ways they are an example of kingdom success - as a friend of mine once said “success is only success when there are successors”. Kingdom success? It is measured in making disciples and faithfulness to the commands of Jesus. It’s so different from what the world around us sees as success - for us, success is obedience to what the Father asks and a natural consequence of this is that we will grow as disciples and make disciples. Are you in a position where you can see this working out in your life? As you head to the end of 2021 are you seeing kingdom success - successors - people you are encouraging and praying for?
Staffing News
The Christ Church Cafe is a really encouraging aspect of our ministry and has got to the healthy stage, thanks to a fantastic team, of being able to financially sustain a part time management role. Suzanne Martin has been appointed and will begin to serve, heading up the cafe team from the new year. Please support Suzanne as she settles into the role.
Re-Store has continued to grow throughout the pandemic - it is at a new and challenging phase of development. We have increased the hours of Toni Miles as a faith step to respond to the opportunities and challenges. Please pray and also continue to support Re-Store in practical ways.
Thank you for giving financially to our Network of Churches - prayerful and planned giving really helps us - if you wish to know more about how to give please see our website or phone 01262 404100.
We continue to encourage Covid-19 awareness and care when we gather together. Please wear face coverings when you sing in worship and when you are close to others. We are keeping our buildings as ventilated as possible, keeping seating arrangements distanced where possible and encouraging continued use of hand sanitiser. In Christ Church there is a designated area for those who desire further protection. Please continue with kindness, understanding and patience for each other.
Covid-19 Update
Please note that following the government announcements this week some tightening of restrictions is necessary - the Church of England says the following: “Face coverings are currently mandatory on public transport and in a range of indoor venues including places of worship.”
This will be the case across our network - we can still sing wearing our masks and those leading worship and preaching can still take their masks off for such purposes.
Exemptions are still permitted.
Please continue to sanitise your hands and carefully respond in care and kindness to those around us.
Thanks for your ongoing patience. God continues to be good!
Mark Carey