Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Mark Carey writes  

Sunday 14th November is Remembrance Sunday.

It is good that in Ulrome (11am) and on Westhill (2pm) we will be sharing in and leading acts of Remembrance. Furthermore, at least a thousand people will gather outside Christ Church at the Cenotaph. Anniversaries will be in the minds of some – 100 years since the Cenotaph was raised on that spot. 100 years since the founding of the Royal British Legion. Mixed up in those anniversaries will be other memories, significant, deeply personal things. For some there will be passed down memories triggered by this yearly anniversary event. So we remember. We remember losses, traumas and the great sadness that humankind is repeatedly drawn into conflicts and wars accompanied by . We also remember with thanksgiving our present day armed forces and pray for their protection as they serve. I want to emphasise that our stance as followers of Jesus is to be amongst this as a praying presence. Refreshments will be available in Christ Church, our doors will be open but our presence will be amongst our fellow citizens – praying – being there. Jesus said “where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them”

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Bev Hall Writes:

Choosing to live a life of discipleship is the most important thing you will ever do … because it affects everything else you will ever do!

It can be described as taking a life-long walk with Jesus; keeping close to him and seeing how he works. Our day to day discipleship choices matter.

Hearing from God is so important as we go through life. Asking “What are you showing me, Lord? What are you saying?” … then daring to ask “What am I going to do about it?” affects the impact we have for good in the World. Exciting and daunting at the same time!

I have to be intentional about all this or I can drift and my expectation level drops … and probably that is the same for you!

So here’s an opportunity to raise our expectations and see God working more and more…

It’s called ROOTS.

Four SATURDAY MORNINGS in the Key Centre.       9.30 – 12.00 noon

20 and 27 of November and 4 and 11 of December 2021.

There will be input, challenge, talking and thinking time … and maybe even breakfast!!

You can continue exploring life with Jesus after Alpha, or continue processing life after 50 years with Jesus! ROOTS is available for everybody, and circumstances are never a barrier to God. There is always more to discover and, as its name suggests, ROOTS goes deep.

Have a chat with Mark, Miriam, or me, or anyone you see as a disciple of Jesus.

There’s a warm welcome for everyone … but keep your coat on … the windows will be open!

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Mark Carey writes

Do you sometimes find that there is a question floating around in your head? Currently I have a question that goes something like - “what are we learning?” or maybe “what am I learning?”

Archbishop Rowan Williams said that discipleship is “learning to be a learner” – Winston Churchill said “I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught”. We have to keep asking ourselves if we are open to being taught and are we learning to be learners. It is one of my highest leadership values that I would enable many in my orbit of influence to be lifelong learners who are obedient to Jesus. Henri Nouwen said “The word obedient comes from the latin word ‘audire’, which mean ‘listening’. When we learn to listen, our lives become obedient lives”

Are you learning? What are you learning? Are you listening? What are you hearing? Are you being obedient to what you are hearing and learning?

Bearing this in mind – last Sunday I enjoyed seeing a whole load of people who are part of the Christ Church Family Gathering take the opportunity to scatter and begin to learn what God may be saying to us. God wants to teach us about what He is doing in the town of Bridlington, and what he wants to teach us about mission. People prayer walked, and met on the beach and the chalet. They ate and talked and prayed. They fed others, and talked to neighbours. As we do these kind of things God teaches us – we learn. Are we learning? What are we learning?




From Sunday 7th November the Sunday communion gathering in-person and on Zoom will change it’s timing and venue. In order to build community further and enable more prayer and fellowship we will meet at 9am in the Key Centre as well as on Zoom (link can be found on


Anne Straker

We are celebrating the life of Anne Straker on Monday 1st November 1.15pm. A wonderful influence on many, Anne is now with the Lord and reunited with Len. Let’s be thankful and also continue to pray for the whole family.


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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Mark Carey writes

Last week I told you about the words that I had woken up with one morning – “stand firm”. I’ve continued to hold these words close to heart and mind. In Isaiah 7 it says “so the hearts of Ahaz and his people were shaken, as the trees of the forest are shaken by the wind.”  We can be shaken at times and we need to remember where our roots are – we need to remember to stand firm and not give in to the things that stir our leaves - that disturb us. I am trying to be thoughtful and prayerful when I detect something that disturbs me – that shakes me. Aware that I can easily respond in wrong ways, I choose to stand in faith and not react in fear.

The word of the Lord comes to Ahaz and his people with this challenge: “If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all”.


Watch our latest video updates, messages and livestreams via

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Scattered Sundays.

This Sunday is the 10.30am Family Gatherings first Scattered Sunday.

We will be meeting across various locations in our P-PODs :

The Well - meeting at 10.30am at the Training Centre and prayer walking across the town centre.

Emmaus - Meeting at 10.30am in the Church Cafe.

Wonder - meeting at 10.30am at the beach chalet (next to the South Side Paddling pools).

If you are part of the 10.30am Family Gathering but not yet in a P-POD then feel free to come along to any of these 3 gatherings.

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Mark Carey writes:

I have just recorded a short video based on a few things I shared at prayer time the other day. I’d woken up on Monday morning with the words “Stand Firm” in my head. Usually all I wake up with is a need for coffee so I took special note of these words….. and then I brewed my coffee!

Why would those words be in my head? I felt the Holy Spirit was making me aware of the need to stand firm in a space and environment that is still affected by fear, hopelessness and uncertainty. In a national environment that is talking of a ‘winter of discontent’ as inflation rises, universal credit is cut back and shortages of different sorts affect us. Also to stand firm as we set out to walk as a church of churches through this uncertainty with things having changed so much. In the garden of Gethsemane – in the midst of great uncertainty and fear – in the valley of the shadow of death – Jesus moved forward in dependency on the Father saying “not what I want but what You want”.

So I want to encourage you to stand firm. To be aware of the space we are in – everything feels different because so much has changed and nobody has a magic wand to make it all better! To move forward depending on the Father saying “not what I want but what You want”.



Click here for the video of Mark refers to

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Christ Church Cafe.

We have a couple of spaces for volunteers in the café on Wednesdays or Thursdays. No experience necessary. We can help with Food Hygiene certificate.

For more details contact the café on 01262 404108.

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

The Beach Chalet


We have generously been donated the use of a winter let beach chalet on South beach. The chalet is an accessible one and we would love for it be widely used across the network.

It is a place to meet up with people or perhaps take a bit of space to spend time with God. You might want to use it for yourself and your family, or perhaps as a Bible discovery group or another group. The chalet can be booked for yourself or a group for either a morning, afternoon or evening slot or for a whole day or as a block of a couple of days.

There is a diary in the church office to book out the chalet so if you would like to use it then please contact the office on 01262 404100 or email to book a slot.

Keys will be available to be collected and signed out from the office on the day you have booked the chalet. We ask that you return the keys to the office as soon as possible after you have used the chalet so the next person can pick them up.

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Interactive Prophecy

What’s God saying?


Interactive prophecy



Words       Pictures       Dreams       Thoughts       Events


Wondering what God is saying

to you?


Let’s explore together


Come and talk it over with our team and explore

what the Holy Spirit is saying


Listen together, understand together.




Half hour appointments, completely confidential, relaxed

(cuppa included)


Please email or ring Christ Church at 01262 404100 and we will then contact you to arrange an appointment (Wednesday mornings at present)

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Mark Carey writes

Apparently in the invention and development of contact lens a dog called Stan was fitted with them. They appeared to work well but it didn’t prevent him from running out into a road and getting hit by a car - perhaps he saw but didn’t hear. I remember being taught how to cross roads when I was a kid - that listening for the cars was as important as looking for them. Following Jesus means seeing and hearing. Watching out for what God is doing and listening for what he is saying. Jesus said that those who hear his words and put them into practice are the wise people. Are you growing in this?

I’m looking forward to ALPHA starting next week - do come along to explore this seeing and hearing faith in Jesus.

I’m also looking forward to spending the weekend with Andy Hall exploring what it looks like to emerge from a pandemic in the power of the Spirit. Do come and join in on Saturday 25th and Sunday evening 26th. The usual live-streaming will be available via our website.

Andy Hall 25.09.21.png
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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Mirian Thurlow writes

For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?

Isaiah 43:19 (NLT)


This week marks the launch of a number of new things across the network: Love Westhill has begun meeting on Thursdays; the Eco-Summit in partnership with several local groups is on Saturday; and on Sunday at Christ Church we are starting our new pattern of gatherings. And in particular it is the launch of our 10:30 Family Gathering at Christ Church. 


Our vision for the 10:30 Family Gathering is that it is a space where everyone can belong - where we can be like family.  And as in any family everyone has got a role to play.  Everyone has something to bring to the table. (Do check out the video Oli and myself did earlier this week to find out more about the 10:30 Family Gathering and how we want our times together to be times of welcome, of participation, and of encounter -

Launch week - 10:30 Family Gathering

Oli and Miriam kick off our launch week videos for info and prayer. They share the outline and values for our new 10:30 Family Gathering at Christ Church. This is a gathering space for all ages - bringing together the Living Room, Well and Emmaus PPOD groups who were meeting through lockdown. Participation, Welcome and Encounter. Please pray ...


I wonder how you feel about new things and new seasons? Are you someone who gets excited by the prospect of what could happen? Or perhaps are you someone who finds lots of new things a bit daunting? In Isaiah we see God tells his people he is about to do a new thing, but that he has already started. And if we look back on the last 18 months, or even just the last couple of months, we see that God certainly hasn’t pressed the pause button. 


And so even though we are marking the start of new things this week, we are building on and giving thanks for all that God has already begun to do in our lives individually and in our joint life as a church community. What are you giving thanks for at the moment? What is you hope our network in the next couple of months?



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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

New Wine United 2022

New Wine United

Next Summer we are planning to join in with the New Wine United 23rd-28th July 2022

“An opportunity to gather as a family to celebrate everything God has been doing in our lives, churches, and communities. We’ll encounter him afresh together and take his blessing back home – to see the nation changed. With impactful teaching, worship, Holy Spirit ministry, community, connection, and transformational encounters with God. There will be programmes for all ages, with New Wine Kids groups and LUMINOSITY for 11-18s.”

You can book direct with a deposit and pay the balance later. Just indicate on your booking that you are with Christ Church Bridlington

United - New Wine

Arena Morning Celebration Speakers. A: Jon Tyson – Pastor of Church of the City, New York, a community passionate about making disciples who practice the way of Jesus together for the renewal of the city. B: Amy Orr-Ewing – author, speaker and theologian who addresses the deep questions of our day with meaningful answers found in the Christian faith.

We plan to set up a saving scheme - please register with the network office if you want to take part in this

If you can make a donation to enable someone to attend who wouldn’t be able to otherwise please contact

Accommodation for United is either camping or off-site bed and breakfast.

Contact for more details.

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Mark Carey writes

Returning, re-committing and rejoicing

Around the Network we are returning to worship in-person together and reconnecting in more physical ways with the mission God has given us. We prioritise following Jesus and serving the health and wellbeing of our communities every day of the week – not just Sunday. We continue to encourage everyone to have a clear idea of their ‘who and where’ – what we call a P-POD – identify your people and place of discipleship. It doesn’t mean you can’t go to other gatherings – but it is good and helpful to clarify your role and commitment. Remember – there are three commitments for every disciple: a commitment to Christ, a commitment to the Body of Christ, a commitment to joining in with the Work of Christ in the world around us. It is going to be a bit of a process for many people as they seek to identify their P-POD – these things often take time. This is a time of returning and re-committing and change for us all – there is plenty to be involved in and great opportunities to grow and develop as disciples.

Autumn plans and opportunities:

Christ Church on Sundays: From the 19th September

CommuniZoom 8.45am

Communizoom will continue but now with the opportunity to be there in-person at Christ Church and also online via Zoom. Please note the change of time to 8.45am.

10.30am Family Gathering. Our new 10.30am family gathering is an opportunity to worship Jesus together with lively worship, all-ages together and time to renew and build new relationships with each other and with Jesus.

The Sunday Soak Continues at 6pm in-person and via Livestream.

During the week ALPHA begins on Wednesday 29th September – meeting in the Key Centre – Alpha is a course that creates a space, online or in person, where people come for conversation about faith, life and God. Many of you will have friends to invite or maybe you have begun to discover God and faith and know this is the right time to explore further. Contact the office or 01262 404100 to indicate you want to join in.

We are recruiting to the ALPHA team – talk to Mark Carey or Miriam Thurlow if you can contribute as a group leader/helper or as a host serving refreshments.

Saturday 25th September – Emerging in the Power of the Spirit: no Hiding Place Andy Hall will be with us for a day of input on 9am-3pm. A long season of lockdown and restriction can have the effect of trapping us in hiding places, holding us back and away from the movement of Jesus. Individually and together Jesus is calling us out in the power of the Spirit. On this teaching day Andy Hall will be helping us make a response – to emerge with Jesus and in the power of the Spirit.

Re-Store continues to serve many people who find themselves in need of extra support – donations of food supplies and toiletries always welcome.

The Café at Christ Church is a good place to meet friends – please continue to support the Café. We’d love to add to the team with dedicated volunteers willing to serve and to continue to develop a space of peaceful welcome.

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Summer Thought

Check out our latest YouTube video from Mark Carey.

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Mirian Thurlow writes

It has been a week of sunshine so far and whether you love it and spend as much time as possible soaking it in, or you prefer to seek out a nice shady spot it seems that summer has truly arrived in time for the holidays!

But it has also been a strange week as restrictions were lifted on Monday, in what some called ‘freedom day’ and others have labelled the start of an experiment. However, rather than bringing certainty as we might have hoped it has brought a lot of uncertainty. Some of us are excited about being able to see more of our friends and families, but some of us are apprehensive and worried about the consequences of lifting all restrictions.

As was mentioned on Sunday, for the time being as a network we are keeping the precautions we had in place because we want to ensure our church spaces continue to be safe spaces where people feel they can come and join in with what’s going on. So, we are asking those who do come on site to wear masks and maintain social distancing. Unfortunately singing will still be only for those joining online from home, but as we wait and see we hope it won’t be too long before we are able to sing together again.

But with schools breaking up this week and holiday season getting well and truly underway there are lots of exciting opportunities to join in with the network over the next couple of weeks and months. Summer is always a good chance to slightly change some of our usual patterns of meeting and worship God together in different and creative ways. So do look out as we send out details of various summer events across the network and even on the beach!

I have been here at CCBN for almost a month now and looking back over the past few weeks there have been so many situations where I can clearly see God’s hand has been at work, in both big and small things in my life. And as I have been reflecting on this I came across Acts 26:22: ‘God has helped me to this very day; so I stand here and testify to small and great alike’. God walks with us and helps us in all places and all situations no matter whether they feel big or small, and in all things we can testify to his goodness. I want to encourage you to look out over the next couple of days for the ways God is with you and helping you in the small and great alike,

Many Blessings,


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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Oli Preston writes

‘Freedom Day’ is nearly here - government legal restrictions for controlling the spread of COVID19 will mostly end on Monday. But the freedom from legal rules and restrictions comes with responsibility. Official spokespeople and other commentators are clear that the pandemic is far from over, but we are moving into a new phase of trying to live with this new virus. The responsibility for acting reasonably and responsibly is now shifting to us as individuals, businesses and groups, rather than blanket rules. We are continuing to work through what this means for us as a network, and I’m sure each of us is working this through in our personal, family and work lives too. The summer season (hopefully with better weather!) gives us opportunities to enjoy some freedoms safely by creatively using outdoor spaces - for gathering, socialising, even singing together again… But we know that we will still need to be cautious about how we act, especially at larger gatherings, and particularly indoors.

As we reflect and plan for how we will act in the coming weeks and months I am reminded of Philippians 2: 'Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others.’ We have known for a long time that wearing masks is mainly about protecting other people - my mask protects you and your mask protects me. None of us like wearing masks, but we do so to show care and consideration for others - putting their interests above our own. Philippians 2 encourages us to think in this way - to have the same mind as we see in Christ Jesus (verse 5). This doesn’t answer specific questions for us, or give us a set of clear rules to follow, but it does define the attitude that we are called to have as we process this as disciples of Jesus.

As we work this through together we will need to communicate well: sharing our thoughts and feelings, and listening well to one another. We will need a good dose of grace (and patience!). And we will need to continue approaching this as disciples of Jesus - seeking His mind and His way as we navigate difficult and uncertain times. God bless you!

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Coronavirus Guidance for CCBN  July 6th 2021 

As restrictions are lifted, we must find a way to function safely and responsibly as a church of churches given that Coronavirus continues to be a threat to health. We recommend strongly that all those who are part of CCBN take advantage of the opportunity to receive the vaccination and any boosters available. Until the 19th July we will continue to comply across all churches and ministry areas with the current guidance that we are all used to. 


We will await specific guidance from our denominational leaders to help us form the right policies going forward.  


What we are clear about is that for the foreseeable future hands, face, space and air will still be important in certain circumstances.  

We will continue to provide hand sanitiser and encourage it’s use.  

We will position chairs to allow for space and ensure that our buildings are always ventilated as a matter of course.  

We will be expecting everyone to respect the personal space of others and to ask for permission before getting close to another person.  

We will continue with online ways of connecting - we have discovered there is great value in a variety of ways to worship Jesus and grow as disciples.  

We will also encourage a thoughtfulness in the use of face coverings. Chris Witty, in the Downing Street press conference, was asked in regard to lifting of all restrictions “under what circumstances would you wear a mask?” 

His answer?  

✅ when indoors, crowded and close proximity 

✅ if required by a competent authority 

✅ if someone was uncomfortable if I didn’t wear one - “as a matter of common courtesy”. 


More information to come. Thanks for your patience and support – it is good that we can expect to be able to lift our voices in worship together very soon. 


Rev Mark Carey 

Church Wardens: Keith Gibbons -  Emma Miles - Chaz Walker - Penny Clarke 

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Jenni Middleton Jenni Middleton

Mark Carey writes

God guides us. He’s more than really good at this – he is the best. Do you need some help to find direction, to make a decision? God can help. The Bible is one of the main areas that helps us find the way forward – we often describe the Bible as ‘God’s Word’ - the separate books that make up the whole Bible are God-breathed and inspired by Him. Also, of course, God reveals his word in other ways by the power of the Holy Spirit - for instance we often get an sense of an ‘impression’ that then, as we pray, listen and look at the Bible gives us guidance for the way ahead or for a particular situation. I do want to encourage you to be especially aware of God’s word - and to trust in Him - you can take him at his word. 

As Anne Graham-Lotz said:

It is His Word that gives me;

Encouragement in my despair

   Comfort in my isolation 

       Strength in my weakness 

           Light in my darkness

               Dignity in my humiliation 

            Joy in my tears

         Peace in my turmoil

      Purpose in my struggles

    Protection in my battles

  Wisdom in my decisions

Other news

Plans are developing for what the Autumn patterns of worship will look like. We remain cautiously hopeful that restrictions will be lifted significantly however, our experience over the last 16 months tell us that we have to remain adaptable and alert. Over the summer we will keeping the current patterns of gathering with some adjustments such as the United Breaks Out weekend at the beginning of August and then near the end of August gathering in the Christ Church gardens for celebration, baptisms, games & food.

Some changes are coming for Martongate Community Church as Ken & Maureen step down from leadership and a leadership team begins to explore ‘what next’ - please pray.

Also do pray for Angie & Andy Watts and the wider family as they mourn the loss of Doug Williamson. Many of you will have known Doug - we are thankful that he is with the Lord forever. 

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