Martongate Community Church

We are a lively, welcoming community church

Our aim is to bring the love of Jesus into people’s lives by: serving the community, expressing God’s love, reaching out, valuing every person, and enjoying friendship with God and one another

  • Sunday Morning Gathering

    All are very welcome at our service of worship,

    Prayer ministry is available during or at the end of each gathering.

    We always make time for a chat over tea & coffee after the service

    We meet every Sunday at Bridlington North Library at 10:30am

  • Martongate Community Cafe

    Martongate Community Cafe was set up in 2013 in response to a recognition that there are many people in the area who feel isolated and Lonely.

    The Cafe is open on Tuesday afternoons 2pm till 4pm and is run by members of Martongate Community Church

  • Serving at CCBN

    There are a lot of different things happening around the Network and everyone has a part to play in helping them to happen.

    Joining a team is an amazing way to serve God , meet new people, and try something new!

    For more information about serving on a team please click the button below

  • Network Events

    For information on upcoming Network Events please click the button below