Mark Carey writes
I am hopeful that we will be able to move further away from Covid restricted behaviours during the coming months. Our basic policy for the time being will continue to be focussed around the following areas across the network:
Lateral Flow Tests: Encourage everyone to take lateral flow tests regularly and especially if you are likely to amongst a larger group of people or mingling closely with others
Face coverings: Wear a mask when you are amongst others at close quarters and when singing. When seated in a service it is okay to remove your mask
Designated area: Retain the provision of an area in Christ Church for those most vulnerable
Space: Continue to provide ways to gather whilst also having space
Ventilation: Make sure the buildings and rooms we use across the network are well ventilated
I am very thankful that our teams, ministry leaders and volunteers are making sure they test regularly.
As we rebuild and develop with our backs to the worst of the pandemic could I encourage you to find opportunities to serve. We are aiming to grow our work amongst children - could you contribute to this? Maybe you have some administrative skills or want to serve in one of our existing volunteer teams - it would be great to hear from you. Perhaps you have a sense of something God is calling you to start - do follow through.
I heard someone say this recently: "much of what we had pre-Covid-19 we will never see again. We are not moving to the NEXT but the NEW. It is not a continuation of how things were, but the start of a whole new reality". I find the distinction between NEXT and NEW helpful - let's choose not to ask, "what is next?" but rather "what is new?" Maybe even - "what is the NEW thing God wants me to be involved in?"