Mark Carey writes

The season of Lent has started. Across our network it is observed in different ways - as a time of self-discipline and repentance regarding our relationship with God. Maybe as a time to refresh intimacy with God. Perhaps as a way of preparing for being able to celebrate Easter wholeheartedly. There are practices associated with Lent that can be helpful - reading a particular book - you can pick one of those up from the network office.

Some people choose to fast during lent - a practice I recommend- you may find fasting a little mysterious so this link may help

During Lent I am going to be focussing on what God is teaching me about living the Jesus way of life through Daily Encounter, Defined Belonging and Purposeful Service.

I’d like to grow more in these ways and will use the following questions to help me explore this further.

Daily Encounter - Who is my god?

Defined Belonging - Where are my people?

Purposeful Service - What is my calling?

There are many ways to draw the best out of Lent including our Household Habits and the Week of Pilgrimage and Prayer.


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Mark Carey writes