Mark Carey writes:

I have just recorded a short video based on a few things I shared at prayer time the other day. I’d woken up on Monday morning with the words “Stand Firm” in my head. Usually all I wake up with is a need for coffee so I took special note of these words….. and then I brewed my coffee!

Why would those words be in my head? I felt the Holy Spirit was making me aware of the need to stand firm in a space and environment that is still affected by fear, hopelessness and uncertainty. In a national environment that is talking of a ‘winter of discontent’ as inflation rises, universal credit is cut back and shortages of different sorts affect us. Also to stand firm as we set out to walk as a church of churches through this uncertainty with things having changed so much. In the garden of Gethsemane – in the midst of great uncertainty and fear – in the valley of the shadow of death – Jesus moved forward in dependency on the Father saying “not what I want but what You want”.

So I want to encourage you to stand firm. To be aware of the space we are in – everything feels different because so much has changed and nobody has a magic wand to make it all better! To move forward depending on the Father saying “not what I want but what You want”.



Click here for the video of Mark refers to


Scattered Sundays.


Christ Church Cafe.