Mark Carey writes
Returning, re-committing and rejoicing
Around the Network we are returning to worship in-person together and reconnecting in more physical ways with the mission God has given us. We prioritise following Jesus and serving the health and wellbeing of our communities every day of the week – not just Sunday. We continue to encourage everyone to have a clear idea of their ‘who and where’ – what we call a P-POD – identify your people and place of discipleship. It doesn’t mean you can’t go to other gatherings – but it is good and helpful to clarify your role and commitment. Remember – there are three commitments for every disciple: a commitment to Christ, a commitment to the Body of Christ, a commitment to joining in with the Work of Christ in the world around us. It is going to be a bit of a process for many people as they seek to identify their P-POD – these things often take time. This is a time of returning and re-committing and change for us all – there is plenty to be involved in and great opportunities to grow and develop as disciples.
Autumn plans and opportunities:
Christ Church on Sundays: From the 19th September
CommuniZoom 8.45am
Communizoom will continue but now with the opportunity to be there in-person at Christ Church and also online via Zoom. Please note the change of time to 8.45am.
10.30am Family Gathering. Our new 10.30am family gathering is an opportunity to worship Jesus together with lively worship, all-ages together and time to renew and build new relationships with each other and with Jesus.
The Sunday Soak Continues at 6pm in-person and via Livestream.
During the week ALPHA begins on Wednesday 29th September – meeting in the Key Centre – Alpha is a course that creates a space, online or in person, where people come for conversation about faith, life and God. Many of you will have friends to invite or maybe you have begun to discover God and faith and know this is the right time to explore further. Contact the office or 01262 404100 to indicate you want to join in.
We are recruiting to the ALPHA team – talk to Mark Carey or Miriam Thurlow if you can contribute as a group leader/helper or as a host serving refreshments.
Saturday 25th September – Emerging in the Power of the Spirit: no Hiding Place Andy Hall will be with us for a day of input on 9am-3pm. A long season of lockdown and restriction can have the effect of trapping us in hiding places, holding us back and away from the movement of Jesus. Individually and together Jesus is calling us out in the power of the Spirit. On this teaching day Andy Hall will be helping us make a response – to emerge with Jesus and in the power of the Spirit.
Re-Store continues to serve many people who find themselves in need of extra support – donations of food supplies and toiletries always welcome.
The Café at Christ Church is a good place to meet friends – please continue to support the Café. We’d love to add to the team with dedicated volunteers willing to serve and to continue to develop a space of peaceful welcome.