Mark Carey writes
Apparently in the invention and development of contact lens a dog called Stan was fitted with them. They appeared to work well but it didn’t prevent him from running out into a road and getting hit by a car - perhaps he saw but didn’t hear. I remember being taught how to cross roads when I was a kid - that listening for the cars was as important as looking for them. Following Jesus means seeing and hearing. Watching out for what God is doing and listening for what he is saying. Jesus said that those who hear his words and put them into practice are the wise people. Are you growing in this?
I’m looking forward to ALPHA starting next week - do come along to explore this seeing and hearing faith in Jesus.
I’m also looking forward to spending the weekend with Andy Hall exploring what it looks like to emerge from a pandemic in the power of the Spirit. Do come and join in on Saturday 25th and Sunday evening 26th. The usual live-streaming will be available via our website.