Mark Carey writes
I’ve just recorded a short video to go up on our YouTube channel – in it I reflect a little on how we are doing some reconnecting and adjusting into a time of restrictions lifting and more freedom of movement. I talk about Lazarus – have a look at John 11 – the bit that always amuses me is imagining Lazarus waddling out of the tomb after Jesus has called from him to come out. Waddling? Well his hands and his feet were wrapped with strips of linen – he had a cloth around his face – all he’s going to do is waddle around! It is a great illustration for us at this time – maybe we are all a bit like Lazarus – emerging from a tomb-like level of restrictions, still restricted as we come out into the daylight. Jesus says to those nearby “take off the grave clothes and let him go” – maybe this period of time is going to be about having those grave clothes taken off – taking hold of the freedom that comes with knowing and following Jesus.
Do pray for Miriam Thurlow as she prepares for her ordination as Deacon on York Minster on Saturday 26th June.
Over a long weekend 29th July to 3rd August we are thinking about livestreaming New Wine: United Breaks Out in Christ Church. Watch out for more information on how you can join in coming soon.
If you have been thinking about being baptized please contact the church office – we are likely to have an opportunity for full immersion baptisms on Sunday 22nd August.
Remember – do think about where you might serve – there are many opportunities beginning to open up – in the café, amongst the Admin Team, with Children and families and lots more areas.
Mark Carey Writes
This week volunteering and serving has come to my attention. Maybe it is because I get the privilege to talk to lots of people who are serving in different ways - and certainly because it has been raised during prayer times.
I’ve watched people getting alongside vulnerable and broken people - just like Jesus would.
I’ve seen others rolling up their sleeves and doing practical things to ensure that our environment is safe and welcoming for others - just like Jesus would.
I’ve witnessed people sharing faith and encouraging words with others - just like Jesus would.
I’ve watched as people have deliberately chosen to lay down their own comfort and convenience for the sake of others - just like Jesus would.
I’ve observed people functioning from a kingdom combination of duty and joy - just like Jesus would.
Dallas Willard said that discipleship is the process of becoming who Jesus would be if he were you. That’s what I see and what I look for. As a church of churches we are committed to live the gospel - good news- of Jesus by serving the health and well-being of our communities. I see so many elements of this and it makes my heart glad.
Reminders and Requests
The team working from the Key Centre is primarily volunteers please only contact them via or 01262 404100 - do not use Facebook messenger or other means.
We could do with increasing our volunteer team in certain key areas - if you have administrative gifts there are some important areas you could be involved in.
We want to increase our Safeguarding team - to support work across the whole network.
Please pray for those who are preparing to get married - it’s wonderful that the first marriage is this Saturday 12th June between John Allanach and Holly Sherwood.
Rev. Mark Carey. Christ Church Bridlington Network.
Mark Carey writes
My Dad has been writing the second volume of his autobiography and I was reading the first chapter the other day. He talks about how he experienced, like many others of his age, a very interrupted education. He has vivid memories of three evacuations during the blitz because of how dangerous things had become – this was not great for anyone’s development and education and yet he reflects on it being something that if anything made him more thirsty to learn. The restrictions of that time did not stop God speaking into my Dad’s life and calling him to greater things. God can do a lot with a little, he can take a poor East End boy and bring him to a place where he can share faith beyond anything that could have been imagined. I like what David Carr once said - “Blaming on your past or your present will rob you of your future”. God is very interested in our future – we could look back on these coronavirus years as ones that have interrupted and disrupted, ruined our lives and made everything worse. But no – for those who follow Jesus our mindset is different – God is endlessly redemptive, he restores our lives through Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit. That which has been lost, changed, broken, disrupted, affected by the circumstances of this pandemic or any other circumstances in our lives is not beyond God’s great ability to restore.
Regarding next steps – we are keeping a close eye on the government guidance and anticipate more lifting of restrictions that will adjust the way we do things. In the meantime, we are continuing to gather in ways that have become familiar. In the run up to September watch out for some communication about the patterns and plans for a new season. Do keep looking at the updates on YouTube and the website.
Network News Update
Oli Writes
I hope you have enjoyed some of the new freedoms this week - I certainly have! It is a very exciting time as we carefully move out of lockdown and into a new normal, in our Network and society in general.
So much has happened since March 2020. We have had to deal with big changes, and have had to live with continuous change and uncertainty. There has been grief, loss and anxiety. But we have also learned a lot of new things, and have adapted and responded really well - finding new ways to worship and live as disciples of Jesus. And now things are changing again…
The book of Acts is the story of the church emerging - from the confusion and thrill of the resurrection of Jesus, still carrying some grief and uncertainty, but captured by hope and filled with the new life of the Holy Spirit. There was no blueprint, much was worked out on the way, and we can see many examples of how the growing community of disciples were discerning God’s will and way together. The plural of disciple is church, and we hear God most clearly when we listen together. If you have not yet completed the ‘Reimagine’ questions that have been sent out then please do make some time for this - we would love to hear from as many people as possible.
When Peter spoke to the crowds at Pentecost he quoted the prophet Joel, saying:
“In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days” (Acts 2)
May you be filled again with the Holy Spirit as we celebrate Pentecost together this weekend. And as we are filled, let’s listen together for the voice of the Spirit, and dare to dream dreams of what God will do in our time to Rebuild, Restore and Renew: our lives, our network, our town.
Mark Carey writes:
There is a lot to be thankful for. Around us confidence is returning as things open up once again. People are taking up the offer of the vaccine and the protective factor this gives is beneficial for all. The next ‘junction’ on the Government roadmap will produce more positive changes - we will be able to have more personal contact in groups of six and hospitality venues.
I’m glad to say that the cafe at Christ Church will open from Monday 17th May - 10am to 12noon Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Call in for good coffee, tea and cake - it’s a great venue for meeting friends.
Every Thursday at 10am there will be a service of Holy Communion in Christ Church. In-person worship gatherings across the network are beginning to meet again. There is lots of activity in so many different ways. Do keep an eye on Facebook, email and the website for information.
We are looking forward to Miriam Thurlow joining us as curate at the end of June. She will be moving to Bridlington in early June so please pray for her on this new adventure. I know Oli Preston is enjoying actually meeting people having started his role during restrictions and lockdown - many of us are experiencing re-connection- but Oli is still making new connections! Do keep praying for Oli (& Emma Miles) as they continue to develop Multiply.
For all of us whether it’s new connection or reconnecting let’s pray for and expect guidance from God - He is good at this!
Rev. Mark Carey Team Leader Christ Church Bridlington Network
Polite Notice
This is a gentle reminder: as we re-open our buildings and gather together more, please remember, and remind your congregations, to follow the guidelines of HANDS-FACE-SPACE until further notice.
Mark Carey writes:
This period of time is being described as the ‘recovery time’. To me it appears that we are at the beginning of it. The next few months we will be continue with the patterns established to take us through successive lockdowns and restrictions and whilst beginning to lift our eyes to the new thing. Gradually we are seeing in-person gatherings beginning again and a return of confidence in being in the company of others – lets help each other in this by keeping to the guidelines, taking up the offer of vaccines for the sake of others, and being gracious because everyone is handling this time differently.
I’ve often been reminded recently of Frodo Baggins speaking of his return from great adventures and a life transforming time – “Though I may come to the Shire, it will not seem the same, for I shall not be the same."
As we return to familiar territory and relationships lets remind ourselves that it will not be the same because each one of us has experienced change in some way or other. Things will not be the same.
We may well find ourselves wanting things to be what they once were, we undoubtedly will feel sorrow for what has been lost, we absolutely must renew our trust in the Lord – he is the one who will guide us. He will do a new thing.
Thursday Morning Communion
Every Thursday morning - starting on Thursday 13th May – Ascension Day – in Christ Church at 10am
Come and share in communion.
Healing On The Screens
There will be no Healing On The Screens on Saturday 29th May.
All other Saturdays will be running as normal.
Christ Church Community Cafe
We are pleased to say that the church cafe is reopening on 17th May. To begin with it will be open for drinks, cakes, teacakes etc between 10-12 Mon Tues Thurs Fri
We hope to increase these hours as we go along.
We would encourage you (when the weather is nice) to take drinks into our lovely gardens. Just ask for a takeaway drink when you order.
We have to comply with Covid instructions so bear with us as we work with those. If you could stay seated during your visit that would be helpful.
Please support us as we reopen so that we can move forwards developing the cafe. We are non profit making & all staff are volunteers, so all profit made is invested back into the cafe
Oli's May Day Squat Challenge - Toilet Twinning FUNdraiser
One of the things we hope to do as part of our Eco Church journey is to “twin” all of the toilets and taps across the Christ Church Network. We have already twinned 9 loos, but there are more to go! Could you sponsor our team for this event, or take part yourself? Find out more about how clean, safe toilets and water supplies can transform people’s lives at If you would like to donate to this goal then you can give online at
Christ Church Community Cafe Update.
We are pleased to say the cafe will reopen on May 17th. We are opening mornings to begin with 10-12. Mon Tues Thurs Fri.
We are serving drinks, cakes, toasted teacakes etc for the time being.
Please bear with us as we have to work to quite extensive Covid rules, so there will be limited space inside but you are welcome to take a drink out to the garden too to enjoy. This will be in a paper (biodegrable!) cup due to the fact we have to minimise footfall in the cafe.
To protect you & staff we aren’t at this stage able to use your own refill cups but will as soon as things become safer.
Thank you to the volunteers who serve in this area of work. We have exciting plans for the future but to start with we just want to provide a space for people to meet friends & family
Rev'd Mark Carey writes....
I found myself in a crowd today for the first time in over a year. It felt strange and made me feel slightly insecure. I was surprised by my reaction – but maybe I shouldn’t be. Our gradual emergence from a pandemic will not straightforward and we will feel a mixture of feelings and responses. Maybe this is why I’ve been constantly reminded of the Stephen Covey quote “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing”. Amongst all the distractions, preoccupying thoughts, fears and emotional responses the first disciples found themselves reoriented to the main thing by the resurrected Jesus. For followers of Jesus the main thing is always Jesus - keeping focussed on him is vital at this time.
I’m encouraging leaders and team members across the network to register for and participate in the morning I am hosting with Andy Hall and Rob Parker on Saturday 24th April. Called Emergence: what is God saying? It is an opportunity to have a reflective process as we seek to emerge with fresh vision and eyes fixed on Jesus. To book your place email and nearer the time you will receive the zoom link.
We are very sad to hear of the death of Lesley Gaines. Lesley brought her warm and caring personality to bear in lots of our lives and will be greatly missed by her family, church family and friends. More news to follow of the date and time of the funeral service.
We welcome a new church warden, Penny Clarke, for Christ Church to serve alongside Keith Gibbons. I’m pleased that Chaz Walker and Emma Miles are serving for a further year as Wardens of Bessingby.
Thank you to all who are serving in official and unofficial ways across the Network.
Easter 2021
This Easter is a little different from last year. Do you remember? We were completely locked down – only able to go out for up to an hour for exercise and shop for essentials.
This year we are still restricted but to a much lesser extent. We are, however, tired of the constant uncertainties of restrictions, of careful behaviour around others and really missing the person-to-person contact that is so important to human beings.
So in this time of restrictions lifting but not gone, of being tired of the pandemic and desiring the things we are missing. In this time of small steps of emerging from the worst of a pandemic can I encourage you to REMEMBER.
REMEMBER how far you have come and what you have learned. REMEMBER the help you have received from God and others that has got you so far. REMEMBER that the resurrection of Jesus means that the worst thing is never the last thing – Jesus in his resurrection power will be leading us through this next season.
Happy Easter! Jesus is Risen!
Time To Talk Team
This past year has been a very long and stressful time leaving many of us, feeling confused, anxious and overwhelmed.
For some of us this year may also have highlighted long standing issues.
Having someone to talk to often helps.
We would like to offer you a safe, confidential space to be listened to, giving you time to express the things that are concerning you.
At the moment this would be arranged on (a one off basis ) using Zoom or by a telephone call.
In the first instance please contact the Church Office by telephone or e-mail, and one of the team will contact you to arrange the details.
CCBN Network Office : - 01262 404100
CCBN Network Office E-mail : -