Oli Preston writes
‘Freedom Day’ is nearly here - government legal restrictions for controlling the spread of COVID19 will mostly end on Monday. But the freedom from legal rules and restrictions comes with responsibility. Official spokespeople and other commentators are clear that the pandemic is far from over, but we are moving into a new phase of trying to live with this new virus. The responsibility for acting reasonably and responsibly is now shifting to us as individuals, businesses and groups, rather than blanket rules. We are continuing to work through what this means for us as a network, and I’m sure each of us is working this through in our personal, family and work lives too. The summer season (hopefully with better weather!) gives us opportunities to enjoy some freedoms safely by creatively using outdoor spaces - for gathering, socialising, even singing together again… But we know that we will still need to be cautious about how we act, especially at larger gatherings, and particularly indoors.
As we reflect and plan for how we will act in the coming weeks and months I am reminded of Philippians 2: 'Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others.’ We have known for a long time that wearing masks is mainly about protecting other people - my mask protects you and your mask protects me. None of us like wearing masks, but we do so to show care and consideration for others - putting their interests above our own. Philippians 2 encourages us to think in this way - to have the same mind as we see in Christ Jesus (verse 5). This doesn’t answer specific questions for us, or give us a set of clear rules to follow, but it does define the attitude that we are called to have as we process this as disciples of Jesus.
As we work this through together we will need to communicate well: sharing our thoughts and feelings, and listening well to one another. We will need a good dose of grace (and patience!). And we will need to continue approaching this as disciples of Jesus - seeking His mind and His way as we navigate difficult and uncertain times. God bless you!