Easter 2021

This Easter is a little different from last year. Do you remember? We were completely locked down – only able to go out for up to an hour for exercise and shop for essentials.

This year we are still restricted but to a much lesser extent. We are, however, tired of the constant uncertainties of restrictions, of careful behaviour around others and really missing the person-to-person contact that is so important to human beings.

So in this time of restrictions lifting but not gone, of being tired of the pandemic and desiring the things we are missing. In this time of small steps of emerging from the worst of a pandemic can I encourage you to REMEMBER.

REMEMBER how far you have come and what you have learned. REMEMBER the help you have received from God and others that has got you so far. REMEMBER that the resurrection of Jesus means that the worst thing is never the last thing – Jesus in his resurrection power will be leading us through this next season.

Happy Easter! Jesus is Risen!


Rev'd Mark Carey writes....


Time To Talk Team