Mark Carey writes

My Dad has been writing the second volume of his autobiography and I was reading the first chapter the other day. He talks about how he experienced, like many others of his age, a very interrupted education. He has vivid memories of three evacuations during the blitz because of how dangerous things had become – this was not great for anyone’s development and education and yet he reflects on it being something that if anything made him more thirsty to learn. The restrictions of that time did not stop God speaking into my Dad’s life and calling him to greater things. God can do a lot with a little, he can take a poor East End boy and bring him to a place where he can share faith beyond anything that could have been imagined. I like what David Carr once said - “Blaming on your past or your present will rob you of your future”. God is very interested in our future – we could look back on these coronavirus years as ones that have interrupted and disrupted, ruined our lives and made everything worse. But no – for those who follow Jesus our mindset is different – God is endlessly redemptive, he restores our lives through Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit. That which has been lost, changed, broken, disrupted, affected by the circumstances of this pandemic or any other circumstances in our lives is not beyond God’s great ability to restore.


Regarding next steps – we are keeping a close eye on the government guidance and anticipate more lifting of restrictions that will adjust the way we do things. In the meantime, we are continuing to gather in ways that have become familiar. In the run up to September watch out for some communication about the patterns and plans for a new season. Do keep looking at the updates on YouTube and the website.


Mark Carey Writes


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