Mark Carey writes:

This period of time is being described as the ‘recovery time’. To me it appears that we are at the beginning of it. The next few months we will be continue with the patterns established to take us through successive lockdowns and restrictions and whilst beginning to lift our eyes to the new thing. Gradually we are seeing in-person gatherings beginning again and a return of confidence in being in the company of others – lets help each other in this by keeping to the guidelines, taking up the offer of vaccines for the sake of others, and being gracious because everyone is handling this time differently. 

I’ve often been reminded recently of Frodo Baggins speaking of his return from great adventures and a life transforming time – “Though I may come to the Shire, it will not seem the same, for I shall not be the same." 

As we return to familiar territory and relationships lets remind ourselves that it will not be the same because each one of us has experienced change in some way or other. Things will not be the same.

We may well find ourselves wanting things to be what they once were, we undoubtedly will feel sorrow for what has been lost, we absolutely must renew our trust in the Lord – he is the one who will guide us. He will do a new thing.



Thursday Morning Communion

Every Thursday morning - starting on Thursday 13th May – Ascension Day – in Christ Church at 10am

Come and share in communion.



Polite Notice


Healing On The Screens