Andy Hall writes:

Winning our Spiritual Struggle

Spiritual warfare is not really a biblical concept. Instead, we are taught that we have a big God and a very little devil.

As Christians we are on the winning side. Application of the victory of Jesus to Satan and all his works is our Christian duty and business. It is not really a war because the outcome has already been won. Jesus defeated all of Satan’s plans and power on the cross. Jesus then descended into the world of the dead and ransacked it setting its captives free. He then rose victorious and ascended to heaven where He sits enthroned in all power and authority, majesty and might, as we the church command His enemies to bow the knee to Him!

Yet a few years after the resurrection Paul is writing to the Ephesian Christians “…we do not struggle with flesh and blood our struggle is with powers and principalities in the heavenly realms…”. Is this a contradiction of the victory– no!

Today Jesus is still absolutely powerful but the demons, keep needing to have Jesus victory enforced upon them by us the church until one day “…every knee will bow and every tongue confess the Jesus Christ is Lord…”

Daily the enemy is seeking to advance into our lives and rule – a position he is not worthy of! Satan constantly looks for us to give him permission. We must not re-empower a disempowered devil. We can do this by working with him, by believing his lies, coming under his fears or seeking Satan’s short cuts to love and fulfilment.

How do we win in this daily struggle? The demonic is actively defeated in our lives by the power and moving of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said “…if by the Spirit of God I cast out demons then surely the Kingdom of God has come amongst you…”

In 1 Peter 5:8 Satan is depicted as a roaring lion, a dangerous spiritual adversary. In Judges 14:4 we see Samson encounter a real-life physical lion. It says the Spirit of the Lord came upon Samson and he ripped the lion to pieces! The key to winning our struggle is to be filled with the power of the Spirit.

In Luke 11:9-13 Jesus tells us how to receive this Spirit. We are to ask, seek and knock in expectation that God will give to us His Spirit. We are called to be victors not victims. Greater is He within us than he who is in the world, John says. By the Holy Spirit we are to be over comers, not the overcome. As we submit to Gods ways and resist the devil, he will flee from us!

Andy Hall Associate Minister CCBN


Mark Carey writes:


Mark Carey writes: