Mark Carey writes:
Our verse for the year from Isaiah 54:3 “For you will spread out to the right and to the left;
your descendants will dispossess nations and settle in their desolate cities” is a very big vision. A vision of expansion that has been God’s vision throughout history. Spreading Out is about God’s mission through His people to the nations. God wants to bring His consolation to bear on the desolation that our towns, villages, cities and nations experience, knowingly or unknowingly. He wants us to live in His authority which sees every person, neighbourhood, network, workplace, and family as a place for His good kingdom things to be made known – people and places for His blessing and enjoying His glory.
This is such a big vision that we need to recognise that it is impossible without some key things:
1. The Spirit of God
2. Unity
3. Perseverance
4. Self-Sacrifice
5. Prayer
6. Investment in others
All the above are important but I feel very drawn to number 5 and 6: Prayer and Investment in others.
Psalm 2:8 says, "Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession." The reason that we, as a Network, emphasise worship and prayer is that it keeps a focus on us being open to the guidance of the Spirit of God for our spreading out, and it means we take up a posture of ‘asking’. Let’s keep asking for a move of God amongst those unreached by the gospel, for the multiplication of disciple-making across the generations, for the releasing of gifts and provision for our spreading out. Be bold, be confident and ask God.
Investment in others is vital – we will spread out as we see ourselves as those who have something to invest in the life of another person. Your gifts are not just for you – they can be the catalyst for the release of other people’s gifts. You may feel like you have nothing to give, you may even have been told that – but it’s a lie. You are someone who can contribute to the spreading out of God’s people.
On Sunday night I had the distinct impression in my mind’s eye of a coach’s seat at the side of a sports field – attached to the wall, able to be folded down and sat on – a place of coaching, training and responsiveness to help others achieve their potential. I believe that God wants us to know that He has given each of us these kinds of seats for us to take up a posture and mindset of being investors in others. Those who pass on our gifts, abilities, encouragers, and inspirers. Is this your mindset and your vision?
Are you a ‘spreader-outer?’ What is God saying to you and what are you going to do about it?
The Rev Canon Mark Carey - Christ Church Bridlington Network