Mark Carey writes

Last Sunday evening Alan Botterill brought an excellent challenge that he has shared recently with the part of our network that he serves – Martongate Community Church. He sensed the Lord impressing the word “POPPYSEED” upon him. Alan has an agricultural background and was able to talk about one poppy producing thousands of seeds but less than 1% germinate the following year. The vast majority of seeds are washed underground and remain dormant, some for more than 100 years. The seed has to come into contact with light to germinate and so when ground disturbance happens – think of the first world war poppies on Flanders fields emerging because of the artillery. This also made me think of when we began to dig in certain places in our garden and the poppies that emerged a year later. It also made me think of the disturbance we are experiencing as a result of Covid and other factors in the world around us.

Alan pointed out that God’s word is ‘seed’. It is scattered and has been scattered liberally through many initiatives and practices over the years such as Christmas and weddings, school assemblies and other occasions. The seed is there – waiting for the light. And WE are the light of the world – this is what Jesus said. Alan brought the challenge to us all to be light-bearers and seed-sowers.

What God has done in your life, the light he has brought to your life is there for a reason – to bring light to others – germinating the seed of God’s word. And let’s also remember to sow seeds in people’s lives – listening to them, sharing the reason why we have peace and praying for them.

Sow for yourselves righteousness;
Reap in mercy;
Break up your fallow ground,
For it is time to seek the Lord,
Till He comes and rains righteousness on you.

Hosea 10:12


One of the many things I love about being part of this network of churches is that we have such a variety of people who are hearing and responding to Jesus, being obedient, sharing faith across church gatherings and in workplaces and homes. We are running a series of interviews for the Christ Church 10.30am Gathering about being gathered and scattered – do watch them week by week as we make them available on our YouTube channel.

It was great to commission Donna Brooks as a Community Minister – she has gained much from being part of the Mustard Seed ‘Stepping Up’ training and will be serving and leading amongst those who are seeking to recover from addiction as well as being a lay member of the Restore team.


Mark Carey writes


Mark Carey writes