Mark Carey writes

As we head into the second part of 2022 I’m struck by the way in which worship & prayer has featured so strongly. We have given ourselves to worship and prayer every Wednesday evening since the new year. Our weekday commit to prayer continues. This blog from Matthew Porter is a helpful encouragement in prayer especially thinking about praying for other people and circumstances

I find that I have the need to establish a regular pattern of daily and weekly prayer in my life. Bringing to God circumstances and issues in a holy routine of drawing close to the God who draws close to me. And then - further to that - there is what I call ‘kairos’ prayer - that is the kind of praying we sense God calling us to give more time to. I’ve done that in response to Covid, the Ukraine war, the national crisis we have found ourselves in and especially in regard to some specific family circumstances. When the disciples found they couldn’t help a young man be delivered from the demons besetting him Jesus told them that there are times when things only change by prayer and fasting. I think there are times we are to increase our prayer focus, raise the level of our daily disciplines, give ourselves to the task of cooperating with God in his work of transformation. As we enter the second half of the year I am praying that the Lord will not find us busy but rather praying and worshipping and listening.

Remember the verse we have in mind for 2022? Psalm 16:11 -

You make known to me the path of life;you will fill me with joy in your presence,with eternal pleasures at your right hand.


Mark Carey writes,


Mark Carey writes