Mark Carey writes, 

Last Sunday evening I spoke about Being Faithful With A Little - these are the words Jesus used in the parable of the bags of gold. The servants who had done something with the resources they had been entrusted with were congratulated and given more. The person who just buried their gold lost everything. The point is that we all have something to invest in the kingdom of God and making something of our resources in what is required. 


We all have resources that we can use in the service of God’s Kingdom. Specifically, 5 resources, that all of us have. Spiritual, relational, physical, intellectual and financial. The world around us values financial resources first - the Kingdom of God values spiritual resources first. We have a relationship with God that is extraordinary powerful and transformative. We have relationships we can draw on - at this time many of us are giving thanks for the influential relationship we had with Margaret Dye. We have physical bodies that means we can do things, however limited. We have minds, intellects that can be used and of course, financial resources even if it simply ‘the widow’s mite’. 


The other thing that Jesus encouraged in His parables was that living in the Kingdom meant that you risked your resources, investing them in the most precious thing: the Kingdom of God. 


Our practice and vision as a Network of Churches is to be faithful with a little and unafraid to risk investing in Kingdom things. We want to steward our resources well - have you seen how many buildings we maintain?!! - we also want to invest in the growth of our Network to the extent that we see more people encounter Jesus, come to daily living faith, and see the Kingdom coming in their homes, neighbourhoods, families and workplaces. 


We seek to have a way of working that means every Network Church is resourced for mission and able to get on with the job of making disciples. 

Please pick up one of the new leaflets that are available throughout the Network Churches that gives a snapshot of our financial status across the Network. Thank you for investing in the Network - thank you for planning your giving (it is so helpful to know what is coming into the bank accounts!). Please start giving or, indeed, review and increase your giving. We encourage everyone to prayerful give - no pressure! 


Reverend Canon Mark Carey. Christ Church Bridlington Network.


Emma Miles Writes:


Miriam Thurlow writes: