Mark Carey writes

I am writing this during Holy Week – observing the world going on around me, the busyness and activity. I realise I do like to be in control of my life – to define when and how God plays his part. Sometimes I realise I find faith to be a little inconvenient and disturbing – like many people I just want a quiet life that I can control. I was reminded of the following words by John Stott in his book ‘The Cross of Christ’:

“We resent His intrusions into our privacy, His demand for our homage, His expectation of our obedience. Why can’t He mind His own business? To which He instantly replies that we are His business and that He will never leave us alone.”

Holy Week and Easter remind us that we are God’s business and that he hasn’t left us alone.

Revd Mark Carey Leader Christ Church Bridlington Network


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Mark Carey writes