Mark Carey writes

I’d love you to watch this short video I recorded this week – after three years of learning to do such things you would have thought I would be pretty slick and professional – if only! It took me 14 attempts and even then, I got something wrong and Miriam had to do some extra editing! It has made me think about some key things for us here…….  

We are not called to be slick and perfect but authentic and real. We are called to be generous in all the ways God is generous – we are blessed to be a blessing.  

Last week Sophia White, Emma Miles and myself had the opportunity to be involved in a Tackling Poverty Roundtable hosted by the Archbishop of York. It showed that we have the capacity to be a blessing, to function in God’s generosity beyond the borders of the Bridlington area.  

Next week Oli Preston and I are hosting a Cost of Living Roundtable bringing together lots of groups serving the health and well-being of Bridlington – we are able to do this – with great goodwill towards us – because we simply seek the prosperity of our town.  

I’m reminded of the following verse: “Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile” (Jeremiah 29 v 7). Let’s keep seeking the peace and prosperity of this town, area and region.


Mark Carey writes


Giving for Living