As a Network we are entering into a 10 day Daniel Fast in the lead up to Advent.
Fasting is voluntarily choosing to GIVE UP, TAKE UP and JOIN UP, so that we might see more kingdom breakthrough in our relationships with God, our relationships across our Network and our relationships with the world around us.
A Daniel Fast is about cutting out luxury foods in our lives and simply eating the basics
There are many ways to fast. We would like you to fast in the way that is appropriate for you. Perhaps you would like to join in the Daniel Fast as discussed here An overview of the food and drinks that could be removed as well as foods to eat can be found here and recipe suggestions here.
However, it may be more useful/sensible for you to fast from one element of your diet such as caffeine, sugar or alcohol. Decide what you are going to do, tell someone else to hold you accountable and shape the fast in a way that helps you to position yourself to hear from God and grow.
Stopping something is only half of what biblical fasting is about. We need to ’take up’ something so that we tune into God’s voice
Some suggestions include:
Commit to reading the Bible every day to allow God to speak through His Word. There will be a daily Bible reading plan for the three weeks.
Commit to the journey with others. Could you commit to pray with a small group each evening or join in morning prayers?
Decide you are going to go for a walk with God every day. As you walk intentionally tune into God’s voice
Spend time listening to worship music and resting in his presence
Take times of stillness where you ask God into the space
Attach a pause to everyday things. For example every time you walk into your home give thanks for it, or every time you have a drink pause and thank God for his provision
Read that Christian book that you have been meaning to and allow God to speak through it
It‘s also about coming together as a Network to worship and pray through our various touch points
Morning prayers (in the Key Centre or on Zoom)
Wednesday evening worship and prayer
Thursday morning communion
Whole night of prayer across the Network, 24th Nov, 7pm-7am
7-8pm @ Ulrome, 8-9pm @ St Magnus, 9-10pm @ St Marks, and 10pm-7am @ Christ Church
2nd Dec, 10am-3pm - Advent Quiet Day @ Christ Church