This Summer we are planning to join in with the New Wine United 23rd-28th July 2022
“An opportunity to gather as a family to celebrate everything God has been doing in our lives, churches, and communities. We’ll encounter him afresh together and take his blessing back home – to see the nation changed. With impactful teaching, worship, Holy Spirit ministry, community, connection, and transformational encounters with God. There will be programmes for all ages, with New Wine Kids groups and LUMINOSITY for 11-18s.”
You can book direct with a deposit and pay the balance later. Just indicate on your booking that you are with Christ Church Bridlington
United - New Wine
Arena Morning Celebration Speakers. A: Jon Tyson – Pastor of Church of the City, New York, a community passionate about making disciples who practice the way of Jesus together for the renewal of the city. B: Amy Orr-Ewing – author, speaker and theologian who addresses the deep questions of our day with meaningful answers found in the Christian faith.
We plan to set up a saving scheme - please register with the network office if you want to take part in this
If you can make a donation to enable someone to attend who wouldn’t be able to otherwise please contact
Accommodation for United is either camping or off-site bed and breakfast.
Email for more details.